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*FREE!* Muzzle Nuzzle Effect For VRChat Avatars!

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*FREE!* Muzzle Nuzzle Effect For VRChat Avatars!

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This asset detects when your muzzle is up against another muzzle or head and emits heart particles to display your affections! If your avatar uses blendshapes named 'Smile' and 'Blink' it will animate those as well!

Show your affections publicly with a simple and fun asset to add to any avatar! Share it with your friends and partners too!

This asset works on both PC and quest platforms! Comes with a menu toggle button to switch on/off at will.

This asset comes with easily swappable heart colors and Pride themed hearts!


Do you need to use furry avatars for this to work?

This asset still works for non furry/unmuzzled avatars since it also detects head colliders that are setup by default on all avatars. Just change the contact to a sphere around your nose and it will create a similar effect.

Can you specify it to work with only specific other avatars? (ie. your partner only?)

Yes! if you both install the muzzle nuzzle and setup a shared codeword to add to your contact detects/recivers and only the other's avatar will trigger the hearts.

How do I customize the color/pattern? How do I add facial expressions for my specific avatar?

I have a guide on how to add to your avatar and customize further.

Muzzle Nuzzle Install and customization guide

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Nuzzle effect unity package
Heart Raw PSD
Customization google doc
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